domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Nature VS Nurture: Homosexuality

"Astatalk - BBC - The Making of Me: John Barrowman [Documentary] download release." Astatalk - Underground community - download everything. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2011. <>.

This video is about homosexuality and weather it comes from nurture or nature meaning if someone’s born with this or it is learned during their lives. To find the answer to this long time mystery researchers and scientists have experimented with fraternal twins such as to find out how someone comes to be homosexual. Something that really surprised me about this video was that the first fraternal twins appeared completely the same except that one of them liked things from the opposite sex, meaning that his likings fit the ones most common for the female genre, and how come two kids that have been together thru every experience and have been born together etc grow differently. Another thing that I learned and found very interesting in the video was how it stated that a boy with older brothers is more subjected to being homosexual, this is a very surprising finding as I had never before heard of such hypothesis. I think this video was very interesting as it showed various confusing and controversial findings that may or may not prove that homosexuality derives from a particular gene in the human DNA. I particularly think that probably a person’s gene those have something very lightly to do with she/he being homosexual but is what occurs in nurture that drove that gene to develop into homosexuality.

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