miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Video Response # 4

Bibliography (image):
"Watch Unboxing Hot Toys Predator 2 Battle Damaged Sideshow Exclusive via YouTube Online." Yidio makes it easy to watch TV & Movies online. Watch Full Episodes & Movies Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Feb. 2011. <http://www.yidio.com/unboxing-hot-toys-predator-2-battle-damaged-sideshow-exclusive/id/3181600111>.

The video “Mind of a murderer” is a very complex and interesting video about the minds and thoughts of a murderer (as the title states), it teaches the audience and makes them reflexionate about the constant debate of whether a murderer’s actions are the results of his brain, his experiences or maybe even a dramatic injury he/she had experienced earlier. Watching this video I learned about different murderers’ lives and actions that might had driven them to commit such things and even about murderers that without having a past have randomly chosen to subject those actions and live with the harsh consequences. This simple idea of were murderer’s thoughts are situated made me reach the conclusion that anyone can commit such actions, anyone can randomly decide to be a murder and that’s why scientists haven’t been able to anticipate such action, maybe in a near future technology could advance to the point in which the next generation would not have to sufferer such high crime rates especially those of assassination or murder. One of the examples that most impacted me was the one of the men that randomly disappeared followed by a little girl that also disappeared not long after that, later on the men was found with an ice cream sitting tranquil on top of a bridge looking down were later on the body of the little girl was uncovered from. This man had no highlighted past experiences that would conduct him to commit such things instead something in his brain drove him to do it, this story makes the audience wonder what that answer could be. I think this video was different and creative and its lessons were well transmitted, which results in individual thoughts from the audience themselves that aroused from the constant questions the video posts in the audience’s minds and ideas.


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